Michigan Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

15 years
15.8 years


We introduce the Michigan Alimony Calculator. Our tool evaluates various factors considered by Michigan courts and estimates alimony payments. Like many states, Michigan does not strictly define alimony calculations with a rigid formula, and it allows judges to assess multiple aspects of the couple’s financial, personal, and marital circumstances to determine appropriate alimony payment and their duration.

How to Use

  • Payor’s Gross Annual Income ($): The annual income before taxes of the spouse expected to pay alimony.

  • Recipient’s Gross Annual Income ($): The annual income before taxes of the spouse likely to receive alimony.

  • Duration of Marriage (Years): A key factor affecting the amount and duration of alimony. Longer marriages typically result in more substantial alimony awards.

  • Age and Health of Recipient: Older recipients or those with serious health issues may receive alimony for a longer period or in more significant amounts to ensure their support.

  • Economic Dependency: The level of the recipient’s financial reliance on the payor during the marriage.

  • Standard of Living During Marriage: Used to gauge the quality of life the recipient is accustomed to and aims to maintain post-divorce.

  • Minor Children: The presence of minor children, particularly under the custody of the recipient, can influence alimony to ensure their welfare.

  • Contributions to Career: Recognizes the recipient’s contribution to the payor’s professional success, which might have come at the cost of their career advancement.

  • Future Earnings Capacity: Considers the recipient’s ability to earn income post-divorce.

  • Marital Misconduct: Any proven misconduct by the payor, such as adultery or financial fraud, if impacted the marital estate.

Outputs Explained

  • Base Alimony Calculation: Initiated from the difference in annual incomes, typically calculated as a percentage of this difference.

  • Adjusted Alimony (Range: Low to High): Reflects adjustments made for specific factors like health, dependency, and misconduct, offering a range from lower to higher potential alimony.

  • Monthly Alimony Payment (Range: Low to High): The monthly financial obligation calculated by dividing the annual adjusted alimony.

  • Duration of Alimony (Unadjusted and Adjusted): Initially set based on the duration of the marriage, with adjustments possible based on age, health, and other factors.


Example Scenario

Consider a scenario where the payor earns $120,000 per year and the recipient earns $50,000, with a marriage duration of 15 years. The recipient is over 60 years old with health issues and moderate economic dependency:

  • Base Alimony Calculation: $21,000 annually.

  • Adjusted Alimony Range: Due to health, age, and other factors, adjusted alimony ranges from $36,750 to $45,150 annually.

  • Monthly Alimony Payments: Range from $3,063 to $3,763.

  • Duration of Alimony: Initially set for 15 years but could extend indefinitely due to the recipient’s age and health.


Our Michigan Alimony Calculator provides an estimate for alimony obligations. This calculator encourages a comprehensive review of the factors impacting alimony and prepares for legal procedures.
