Maryland Alimony Calculator

Output Results:



Our Alimony calculator estimates potential alimony obligations by incorporating a variety of legal and personal factors that influence alimony decisions in Maryland. While Maryland law does not prescribe a strict formula for calculating alimony, it considers multiple elements to ensure fairness and adequacy in support payments, depending on each spouse’s needs, abilities, and circumstances.

Inputs Explained

  • Duration of Marriage (Years): This factor significantly influences the duration and amount of alimony, reflecting the commitment and intertwined finances of the spouses.

  • Payor’s Gross Annual Income ($): The annual pre-tax income of the spouse who may be responsible for paying alimony. This figure is crucial for establishing the upper limit of potential support.

  • Recipient’s Gross Annual Income ($): The annual pre-tax income of the spouse likely to receive alimony. This helps determine their financial need and the income disparity.

  • Age of Recipient: The age of the alimony recipient can affect the duration and amount of alimony, particularly regarding their ability to become financially independent.

  • Additional Factors: These include health status, economic dependency, standard of living, presence of minor children, contributions to the payor’s career, potential for future earnings, and any marital misconduct.


Outputs Explained

  • Base Alimony Calculation: This is the initial estimate of annual alimony, typically calculated as a percentage of the difference between the spouses’ incomes.

  • Adjusted Alimony: Reflects the final alimony amount after considering all relevant factors such as health, dependency, and standard of living.

  • Monthly Alimony Payment: Break down the adjusted alimony into monthly payments to clearly anticipate ongoing financial obligations.

  • Duration of Alimony: The recommended duration of alimony payments can vary from a few years to indefinitely, based on the duration of the marriage and specific personal circumstances.

Example Scenario

Consider a scenario where a couple is divorcing after 12 years:

  • Payor’s Income: $150,000 annually

  • Recipient’s Income: $50,000 annually

  • Age of Recipient: 51

  • Health: Recipient has chronic health conditions

  • Economic Dependency: Recipient is fully dependent

  • Standard of Living: High during marriage

  • Minor Children: 2

  • Contributions to Payor’s Career: Significant

  • Future Earnings Potential of Recipient: High

  • Marital Misconduct: Proven misconduct by payor



  • Base Alimony: $25,000

  • Adjusted alimony: $51,250, considering the comprehensive impact of all adjusting factors.

  • Monthly Payment: $4,271

  • Duration of Alimony: Potentially indefinite due to the recipient’s age, health conditions, and the duration of the marriage.


Our Maryland Alimony calculator provides a nuanced approach to estimating alimony payments, highlighting the complexity and tailored nature of alimony assessments in Maryland. This tool helps users prepare for potential financial obligations in divorce proceedings and underscores the importance of detailed consideration of all relevant factors. Consulting with a family law attorney is essential for accurate legal advice and precise calculations tailored to specific situations.
