Virginia Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

0.5 years


Our Alimony Calculator estimates payments in Virginia for divorces or separations. Financial factors and the duration of the marriage determine the alimony estimates. The economic implications of alimony are complex, and our tool makes calculations easier. It takes users’ inputs of financial information for income disparities, asset differences, and the length of the marriage and determines alimony.

Input Financial Details

  • Payer’s Monthly Income: the payer is the spouse who earns more than the other spouse.

  • Receiver’s Monthly Income: the receiver is the other spouse.

  • Duration of Marriage: the years the marriage lasted, rounded to the whole integer.

  • Assets and Liabilities: the total assets and liabilities for both the payer and the receiver.


Input Financial Details

  • The calculator automatically computes the income difference, asset difference, and the estimated monthly alimony.

  • Income Difference: the difference between the incomes of the both spouses.

  • Duration Multiplier: the potential duration of support is calculated as the minimum of 1 or the marriage duration divided by 20.

  • Net Assets: calculated for both the payer and receiver by subtracting their total liabilities from their total assets.

  • Asset Difference: between the payer and receiver.

  • Estimated Monthly Alimony: the estimate of the monthly alimony payment.

Adjust Inputs as Needed

You can run different scenarios.



Let’s consider a hypothetical scenario:

  • Payer’s Monthly Income: $10,000

  • Receiver’s Monthly Income: $3,000

  • Duration of Marriage: 10 years

  • Payer’s Total Assets: $500,000

  • Receiver’s Total Assets: $200,000

  • Payer’s Total Liabilities: $200,000

  • Receiver’s Total Liabilities: $50,000

Given these inputs, the calculator would output:

  • Income Difference: $7,000

  • Duration Multiplier: 0.5

  • Payer’s Net Assets: $300,000

  • Receiver’s Net Assets: $150,000

  • Asset Difference: $150,000
  • Estimated Monthly Alimony: $2,725



We designed our Virginia Alimony Calculator to estimate alimony payments for spouses and facilitate financial planning and legal preparations for divorce proceedings.