Alabama Alimony Calculator

Output Results:



Our calculator estimates spousal support for a divorcing couple in Alabama. It evaluates multiple factors, including income, length of marriage, lifestyle standards, the receiving spouse’s needs, and custody of children, to estimate spousal support, simply known as alimony.

How To Use

  • Payer’s Monthly Gross Income: The spouse who earns more and will most likely pay alimony is the payer. Enter their income here.

  • Receiver’s Monthly Gross Income: The other spouse is the receiver. Enter their income in this field.


Detail Personal and Marital Factors

  • Duration of Marriage (years): Specify the marriage’s total years.

  • Marital Lifestyle Standard: Select the standard of living established during the marriage.

  • Relative Needs of the Receiver: Evaluate the financial needs of the receiver post-divorce.

  • Children in Custody: If the receiver has custody of children.

  • Age and Health of Receiver: Choose the category that describes the receiver’s age and health condition.

Review the Calculated Alimony

The calculator processes the inputs to estimate the base alimony amount, which is then adjusted based on the lifestyle, needs, children, and health factors to produce the final alimony recommendation.


Example Usage

Imagine a scenario where:

  • Payer’s Monthly Gross Income: $10,000

  • Receiver’s Monthly Gross Income: $3,000

  • Duration of Marriage: 12 years

  • Marital Lifestyle Standard: Middle-Class

  • Relative Needs of the Receiver: High Needs

  • Children in Custody: With Children

  • Age and Health of Receiver: Healthy

Explanation of Inputs and Interpretation of Outputs

  • Financial Inputs: These determine the economic disparity between the spouses and set the stage for the initial alimony calculations.

  • Marital and Personal Factors: These inputs help adjust the base alimony amount by considering the lifestyle during the marriage, the receiver’s financial needs, and their responsibilities and health.



  • Income Disparity: Calculated as $7,000 by subtracting the receiver’s income from the payer’s income.

  • Base Alimony Calculation: Initially set at $2,100, calculated as 30% of the income disparity.

  • Adjusted Alimony Amount: Further refined to $2,940 after applying adjustment factors for lifestyle, needs, and personal circumstances.

  • Suggested Duration: Set at 6 years, typically half the length of the marriage, providing a reasonable timeframe for support payments.


Our Alabama Alimony Calculator offers a practical tool for individuals navigating the complexities of divorce settlements. By considering various critical factors that influence alimony, the calculator ensures that the estimations are fair, equitable, and reflective of each party’s circumstances. Users should input accurate data to provide reliable estimates and may consider legal consultation for personalized advice tailored to their specific situation.
