California Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

0.5 years


The court may award alimony payments to one of the spouses following a divorce. The purpose of alimony is to even out the difference in income and assets between the spouses and help them maintain living standards. The key factors impacting alimony are the duration of the marriage and differences in income, assets, and liabilities. Our calculator takes these factors as user inputs and estimates alimony payments under California law.


It’s a quick and unfortunate change from husband and wife to payer and receiver. The spouse who earns more or has more assets is a payer, and the other spouse is a receiver.



  • Payer’s Monthly Income: $10,000. That is the monthly earnings of the spouse responsible for alimony payments.

  • Receiver’s Monthly Income: $3,000. The monthly earnings of the other spouse.

  • Duration of Marriage (years): The duration significantly impacts the alimony calculations. It determines the length of the period that payments will be due.

  • Duration of Marriage (years): The duration significantly impacts the alimony calculations. It determines the length of the period that payments will be due.

  • Payer’s Total Assets: $500,000. The total value of assets owned by the spouse responsible for paying alimony.

  • Receiver’s Total Assets: $200,000. That is the total value of assets owned by the spouse receiving alimony.

  • Payer’s Total Liabilities: $200,000. The total liabilities of the spouse who pays alimony.

  • Receiver’s Total Liabilities: $50,000. The total liabilities of the spouse who will receive alimony.



  • Income Difference: $7,000. That is the difference in monthly income between the payer and the receiver.

  • Duration Multiplier:5. The multiplier is calculated based on the duration of the marriage, with a maximum of 1, to adjust the influence of marriage duration on alimony.

  • Payer’s Net Assets: $300,000. The payer’s total assets minus total liabilities.

  • Receiver’s Net Assets: $150,000. The receiver’s assets minus liabilities.

  • Asset Difference: $150,000. The difference in net assets between the payer and the receiver.

  • Estimated Monthly Alimony: $4,125. The estimated monthly alimony payment is calculated based on income differences, asset differences, and the duration multiplier.


Calculation Formulas

  • Income Difference: Payer’s Monthly Income – Receiver’s Monthly Income.

  • Duration Multiplier: min(1, Duration of Marriage in Years / 20).

  • Net Assets Calculation: Individual’s Total Assets – Individual’s Total Liabilities.

  • Asset Difference: max(0, Payer’s Net Assets – Receiver’s Net Assets).

  • Estimated Monthly Alimony: (Income Difference × Duration Multiplier) + (Asset Difference × 0.05 / 12).

Background and Considerations?

Why These Calculations?

California law considers several key factors when determining alimony. They include the standard of living established during the marriage, the duration of the marriage, and each spouse’s financial situation. Our calculator evaluates user inputs and provides a baseline for potential alimony payments.


Nuances and Data Interpretation

  • Income and Assets are crucial and directly impact the calculation outcome.

  • Duration of Marriage affects the duration multiplier and typically impacts the time the payer will pay alimony.

  • Legal Considerations – California’s family law is complex. This calculator does not account for all legal considerations. They can include temporary alimony or spousal support adjustments due to changes in circumstances.

  • Interpretation of Results – The estimated alimony is for informational purposes. They may differ from actual court-ordered alimony due to other factors the court considers.

California law considers several key factors when determining alimony. They include the standard of living established during the marriage, the duration of the marriage, and each spouse’s financial situation. Our calculator evaluates user inputs and provides a baseline for potential alimony payments. The California Alimony Calculator provides an estimated framework for potential alimony payments based on critical financial distinctions and the length of the marriage. We designed it to aid individuals in understanding possible outcomes and preparing for legal consultations or negotiations. Consulting with a family law attorney is strongly recommended for a comprehensive legal assessment and accurate guidance.
