Georgia Alimony Calculator

Output Results:



The Georgia Alimony Calculator helps individuals understand potential alimony payments based on the specific circumstances of their divorce case. While Georgia does not use a strict calculation formula, this tool uses general guidelines and standard factors that courts consider when providing an estimated alimony payment.


The calculator approximates alimony based on the difference in income between the spouses, adjusted by factors that reflect the complexity of each unique situation: Estimated Monthly Alimony=(Payer’s Monthly Income−Receiver’s Monthly Income)×Total Adjusting Factors.


Adjusting Factors

Adjusting factors modify the base calculation to more accurately reflect the circumstances of the marriage and the needs of the receiving spouse:

  • Duration of Marriage: Longer durations can increase alimony duration and amount.

  • Number of Dependent Children: More dependents can lead to higher payments.

  • Age and Health of Receiver: Older or less healthy recipients might receive more to cover additional needs.

  • Education Level of Receiver: Higher educational qualifications might reduce alimony if the recipient has better job prospects.

  • Marital Standard of Living: Higher standards during the marriage can lead to higher alimony to maintain a similar lifestyle.


John and Lisa are divorcing after 15 years of marriage. John earns $10,000 per month, while Lisa earns $3,000. They have two children and maintain a middle-class lifestyle. Lisa is 48 and in good health, with a Bachelor’s degree.



  • Duration of Marriage: 15 years

  • Payer’s Monthly Income: $10,000

  • Receiver’s Monthly Income: $3,000

  • Number of Dependent Children: 2

  • Age of Receiver: 48

  • Health of Receiver: Good

  • Education Level of Receiver: Bachelor’s

  • Marital Standard of Living: Middle class


Estimated Monthly Alimony: The calculation might suggest that Lisa would receive approximately $1,400 per month, considering the various factors and their living standard.


Explanation For Inputs And Outputs

  • Inputs: Provide details about each spouse’s financial status, the marriage’s characteristics, and the receiver’s personal and professional background.

  • Outputs: The alimony calculator offers an estimated monthly payment amount that John might expect to pay Lisa based on the inputs and the adjusting factors.


The Georgia Alimony Calculator is a preliminary guide to help individuals understand potential alimony scenarios in a Georgia divorce. This tool simplifies the complexity of actual court determinations and is a starting point for discussions with a legal professional. Consulting with a family law attorney is highly recommended to ensure that all personal factors and legal nuances are adequately considered and addressed.
