Idaho Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

8 years


Our Idaho Alimony Calculator estimates potential spousal support obligations. It evaluates different factors according to Idaho’s alimony laws and provides an estimate for the amount and duration of alimony payments.

How It Works

  • Duration of Marriage (Years): This input helps determine the base percentage of alimony, as longer marriages often result in higher and longer-duration alimony payments.

  • Payor’s Annual Income ($): The income of the spouse expected to pay alimony.

  • Recipient’s Annual Income ($): The income of the spouse expected to receive alimony, which helps calculate the income disparity and need for support.

  • Age of Recipient: Older recipients might receive alimony for a longer duration or a higher percentage.

  • Presence of Minor Children (Yes/No): This affects the alimony calculation if the recipient is the primary caregiver, potentially increasing the alimony amount.

  • Recipient’s Employment Capacity: Reflects the recipient’s ability to earn income, especially relevant if the recipient has health issues.

  • Special Needs of Children or Recipient: Adjusts alimony if there are additional costs due to health or educational needs.

  • Lifestyle During Marriage: Adjust to maintain a standard of living similar to that during the marriage.

  • Recipient’s Estimated Cost to Become Self-Sufficient ($): The estimated cost for the recipient to gain necessary skills or education to become self-sufficient.

  • Recipient’s Estimated Time to Become Self-Sufficient (Years): Influences the duration of alimony.

Example Calculation

For a couple divorced after 12 years where one spouse earns $150,000 per year and the other $30,000, with minor children, health issues for the recipient, and special needs considerations:

  • Income Disparity: $120,000

  • Base Percentage for Alimony: Derived from the duration of the marriage (suggested 20%, but adjusted to reflect specific needs and capabilities)

  • Adjustments for Alimony Amount: Includes adjustments for children, age, income disparity, employment capacity, and special needs.

  • Annual Alimony: $67,750

  • Monthly Alimony: $5,646

  • Duration of Alimony: 8 years



This alimony calculator serves as a guide to understanding how various factors influence alimony arrangements in Idaho. The output provides a snapshot of potential financial obligations, helping individuals plan accordingly during divorce proceedings. It’s essential for users to consult with a legal expert to tailor the calculations to their specific situation and to ensure compliance with local laws and court considerations.