Indiana Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

7 years
7 years


Our calculator estimates potential spousal support payments for Indiana spouses divorcing. While Indiana does not have a formal formula for determining alimony, this calculator uses guidelines based on common factors the courts consider. It outlines how various inputs may impact the suggested alimony amount and duration.

How To Use

  • Duration of Marriage (Years): Enter the years you married. That affects both the potential amount and duration of alimony.

  • Payor’s Gross Annual Income ($): Input the spouse’s annual gross income expected to pay alimony.

  • Recipient’s Gross Annual Income ($): Input the spouse’s annual gross income expected to receive alimony.

  • Standard of Living During Marriage: Choose from High, Medium, or Low, depending on the lifestyle established during the marriage.



  • Income Disparity: The difference between the payer’s and recipient’s incomes. It forms the basis for initial alimony calculations.

  • Base Alimony Amount: Calculated as 20% of the income disparity and represents a starting point for the alimony amount before any adjustments.

  • Adjust for Standard of Living: If the standard of living during the marriage was high, 5% of the payer’s income is added to the base alimony amount.

  • Total Annual Alimony: Sum of the base alimony and any adjustments for the standard of living.

  • Monthly Alimony Payment: The total annual alimony divided by 12, giving the monthly payment amount.

  • Alimony Duration: This is directly related to the duration of the marriage.


Consider an example. The marriage lasted 12 years, the payer earned $100,000 annually, and the recipient earned $30,000 annually, with a high standard of living established during the marriage.

  • Duration of Marriage: 12 years

  • Payor’s Income: $100,000

  • Recipient’s Income: $30,000

  • Standard of Living: High


Example Usage

  • Income Disparity: $70,000 ($100,000 – $30,000)

  • Base Alimony Amount: $14,000 (20% of $70,000)

  • Adjust for Standard of Living: $5,000 (5% of $100,000)

  • Total Annual Alimony: $19,000 ($14,000 + $5,000)

  • Monthly Alimony Payment: Approximately $1,583 ($19,000 divided by 12)

  • Alimony Duration: 3.6 years (12 years × 0.3)


Our Indiana Alimony Calculator provides an estimate for spousal support. It helps understand the financial impact of different marital factors on the payments and duration. Indiana does not prescribe strict formulas for alimony calculations, and you may choose to consult with a legal expert to review and discuss your situation.
