Kentucky Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

10 years


Our Alimony Calculator helps individuals understand potential spousal support obligations in Kentucky. The state does not use a fixed formula for calculating alimony; this tool simulates how various factors might influence alimony decisions, offering a structured way to estimate potential payments based on several personal and financial details.

Inputs Explained

  • Duration of Marriage (Years): The length of the marriage influences both the potential amount and the duration of alimony.

  • Payor’s Gross Annual Income ($): Input the annual pre-tax income of the spouse who will be responsible for paying alimony.

  • Recipient’s Gross Annual Income ($): Provide the annual pre-tax income of the spouse likely to receive alimony.

  • Age of Recipient: The recipient’s age can significantly affect the duration and amount of alimony, particularly in relation to their employability and financial needs.

  • Economic Dependency: Indicate if the recipient is financially dependent on the payor, as this status significantly influences the necessity and extent of alimony.

  • Other Factors: These include the recipient’s health, standard of living during the marriage, number of minor children, contributions to the career of the payor, educational needs of the recipient, instances of marital misconduct, and other incomes or assets of the recipient.


Outputs Explained

  • Base Alimony Amount: This is the initial calculation of annual alimony, determined by the income disparity between the spouses.

  • Adjusted Alimony: Reflects adjustments made for health, age, economic dependency, etc.

  • Monthly Alimony Payment: This shows the monthly amount the recipient would receive, derived by dividing the total annual adjusted alimony.

  • Duration of Alimony: Indicates the expected duration of the alimony payments.

Example Scenario

Consider a scenario where a couple is divorcing after 21 years of marriage:

  • Payor’s Income: $120,000 annually

  • Recipient’s Income: $50,000 annually

  • Recipient’s Age: Over 60

  • Standard of Living: High

  • Economic Dependency: Fully dependent

  • Health Issues: Yes

  • Number of Minor Children: 1

  • Contributions to Career: Significant

  • Educational Needs: Yes, requires retraining

  • Marital Misconduct: Yes



  • Base Alimony Amount: $(120,000 – 50,000) X 30% = $21,000

  • Adjusted Alimony: $21,000 + ($21,000 X 105%) = $43,050

  • Monthly Alimony Payment: $43,050 / 12 = $3,588

  • Duration of Alimony: Given the duration of the marriage and the recipient’s age, potentially indefinite or subject to significant life changes.


Our Alimony Calculator provides a detailed methodology to approximate potential alimony payments, incorporating various factors that courts typically consider. It is an educational tool to help users prepare for possible financial outcomes in divorce proceedings. Consulting with a family law attorney is essential for personalized and legally accurate advice. This calculator aims to simplify complex legal considerations, making them more convenient and understandable for general planning purposes.

  • Financial Needs: Low financial needs of payee

  • Career Sacrifices: Significant sacrifices by payee

  • Living Expenses: Higher living expenses of payee

  • Age: Payor significantly older

  • Number of Children: Multiple dependent children

  • Reasonable Living Expenses: Higher living expenses of payee

  • Rehabilitation Needs: Need for education or training

  • Marital Property Division: Unequal division favoring payee

  • Self-Sufficiency: Payee not self-sufficient

  • Contribution to Marriage: Significant contribution by payee

  • Child Support Obligations: Payor has existing obligations

  • Debt Obligations: Significant debt obligations by payor

  • Future Financial Prospects: Payor has favorable prospects

  • Behavioral Factors: Abusive behavior by payor


  • Base Alimony Amount: $750

  • Base Duration of Alimony: 8 years

  • Adjusted Alimony Amount: $2,025

  • Adjusted Duration of Alimony:6 years



The Wyoming Alimony Calculator provides a detailed estimate of alimony payments by considering financial and non-financial factors specific to Wyoming. This comprehensive calculation ensures a fair and tailored estimation of alimony obligations, considering the unique circumstances of each case. Users can gain insight into the potential alimony amounts and durations they may expect when they use our calculator. Understanding the nuances of Wyoming’s alimony approach helps users better plan and prepare for the court proceedings.