Louisiana Alimony Calculator

Output Results:



Our Louisiana Alimony calculator simulates potential alimony calculations based on various important factors. While Louisiana does not utilize a fixed formula for determining alimony, this calculator incorporates standard legal considerations to offer users a method for approximating the financial support one might expect to pay or receive following a divorce.

Inputs Explained

  • Duration of Marriage (Years): This duration influences alimony payments’ potential amount and duration.

  • Payor’s Gross Annual Income ($): Enter the annual pre-tax income of the spouse who could be responsible for paying alimony. This figure helps determine the base amount of alimony.

  • Recipient’s Gross Annual Income ($): Provide the annual pre-tax income of the spouse likely to receive alimony.


Adjusting Factors

  • Age of Recipient: Age can significantly affect alimony, mainly if the recipient is older and closer to retirement.

  • Economic Dependency: Indicates whether the recipient is financially dependent on the payor, which can increase the alimony amount.

  • Standard of Living: Reflects the lifestyle maintained during the marriage, influencing the need to maintain this standard post-divorce.

  • Health of Recipient: Considers if the recipient has serious health issues, potentially increasing the alimony to cover higher medical costs.

  • Minor Children: The presence of minor children for whom the recipient is the primary caregiver can also increase alimony.

  • Contributions to Career: Accounts for the recipient’s significant contributions to the payor’s career advancement.

  • Needs retraining to gain employment: This program adjusts for the recipient’s need for further education or training to become self-sufficient.

  • Proven misconduct by payor: Increases alimony if the payor has committed misconduct affecting the marital estate.

  • Significant career growth expected: Reduces alimony if the recipient is expected to increase their earnings significantly.


Outputs Explained

  • Base Alimony Amount: This is the initial calculation of annual alimony, determined by income disparity.

  • Adjusted Alimony: Reflects adjustments made for factors like health, age, dependency, and more.

  • Monthly Alimony Payment: This shows the monthly amount the recipient would receive.

  • Duration of Alimony: Indicates the expected duration for alimony payments.

Example Scenario

Consider a couple divorcing after 19 years of marriage:

  • Payor’s Income: $150,000 annually

  • Recipient’s Income: $40,000 annually

  • Age of Recipient: 60+

  • Health: Serious health issues

  • Children: Two minors

  • Other factors: Completely dependent, high standard of living, significant career contributions, needs retraining, proven misconduct by payor, and significant expected career growth for the recipient.



  • Base Alimony Amount: $22,000 (calculated as 20% of the income difference)

  • Adjusted Alimony: $40,700 (considering all adjustment factors)

  • Monthly Alimony Payment: $3,392

  • Duration of Alimony: 25 years, potentially reflecting a combination of the length of marriage and specific life circumstances such as age and health.


Our Louisiana Alimony Calculator provides an illustrative approach to understanding potential alimony obligations. This tool helps users to predict financial commitments based on specific personal and financial circumstances. Remember, actual alimony awards can vary based on a wide range of factors and judicial discretion. For precise guidance and legal advice, consulting with a family law attorney is essential.
