Minnesota Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

$900 per month
7.5 years
11.5 years
16.5 years

Notes for duration of alimony payments:

Possible Indefinite Because Recipient suffers from a serious illness.

Possibly until children reach 18.



Our Alimony Calculator assists individuals in estimating potential spousal maintenance (alimony) payments during divorce proceedings in Minnesota. This tool evaluates various financial factors, adjusts for specific life circumstances, and provides a range of potential alimony payments and durations based on Minnesota’s legal standards.

Inputs Explained

  • Gross Monthly Income of Payer: This is the total pre-tax monthly income of the spouse expected to pay alimony.

  • Gross Monthly Income of Recipient: The total pre-tax monthly income of the spouse expected to receive alimony.

  • Monthly Expenses of Payer: The monthly living expenses of the payer.

  • Monthly Expenses of Recipient: The monthly living expenses of the recipient.

  • Duration of Marriage: The total length of the marriage in years significantly influences the duration and amount of alimony.

  • Age and Health of Both Parties: Considerations for age and health can affect the ability to pay and the need for support, impacting the amount and duration of alimony.


Outputs Explained

  • Income Differential: The difference in gross monthly income between the payer and the recipient.

  • Maintenance Needs of Recipient: The additional financial support required by the recipient to meet their living expenses.

  • Ability to Pay: The payer’s financial capacity to provide support after meeting their expenses.

  • Recommended Alimony Payment: An estimated monthly payment based on the income differential and other factors.

  • Duration of Alimony Payments: When the payer must make alimony payments to the recipient.


Suppose the payer has a gross monthly income of $5,000 and monthly expenses of $3,000. The recipient has a gross monthly income of $2,000, monthly expenses of $2,500, and the marriage lasted 15 years. Considering these factors, the calculator would work as follows:

  • Income Differential: $5,000 – $2,000 = $3,000

  • Maintenance Needs of Recipient: $2,500 – $2,000 = $500

  • Ability to Pay: $5,000 – $3,000 = $2,000

  • Recommended Alimony Payment: Approximately 30% of the income differential = $900 per month

  • Duration of Alimony Payments: Typically half the length of the marriage = 7.5 years


Adjusting Factors

Adjusting factors such as the marriage’s length, the recipient’s age and health, and the standard of living during the marriage can lead to increases or decreases in both the payment amount and the duration. For example, a marriage lasting over 20 years or significant health issues may lead to higher payments and potentially indefinite duration.


The Minnesota Alimony Calculator provides a structured approach to estimating alimony payments, incorporating financial data and personal circumstances. While this calculator offers a guideline, the courts may consider additional factors and ultimately decide the amount of payment and their duration. Consult with legal professionals to get tailored advice specific to your situation.
