Nebraska Alimony Calculator

Additional payments

Output Results:

Moderate Ability To Pay
High Need
7.5 years
Permanent Alimony Required


Our Nebraska Alimony Calculator is a tool designed to help individuals estimate potential alimony payments and their duration based on various financial and situational factors. This calculator considers gross monthly incomes, monthly expenses, the duration of the marriage, and several other critical elements to provide a comprehensive alimony estimation.

Explanation of Inputs and Outputs

  • Gross Monthly Income of Payer: The total pre-tax monthly income of the spouse expected to pay alimony.

  • Gross Monthly Income of Recipient: The total pre-tax monthly income of the spouse expected to receive alimony.

  • Monthly Expenses of Payer: Monthly living expenses of the payer.

  • Monthly Expenses of Recipient: Monthly living expenses of the recipient.

  • Duration of Marriage: Total length of the marriage in years.

  • Tax Consequences: Whether alimony payments are tax-deductible.

  • Agreements Between Parties: Any prenuptial or postnuptial agreements affecting alimony.

  • Custodial Responsibilities: Whether the recipient has custodial responsibilities for minor children.

  • Financial Ability to Pay: The payer’s ability to pay, classified as low, moderate, or high.

  • Financial Need: The recipient’s financial need, classified as low, moderate, or high.

  • Property Division: Impact of the division of marital property and debts.

  • Career Sacrifices: Whether the recipient made career sacrifices for the marriage.

  • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA): Periodic adjustments based on inflation or cost of living changes.

  • Temporary Support: Whether temporary Support is required during divorce proceedings.

  • Rehabilitative Alimony: Whether Support is needed for education or training to achieve self-sufficiency.

  • Transitional Alimony: Short-term Support to transition to single life.

  • Permanent Alimony: Long-term Support due to age, health, or other factors.

  • Lump-Sum Alimony: One-time payment instead of periodic payments.

  • Age of Recipient: Age classification of the recipient (young, middle-aged, or senior).


  • Base Alimony Payment Amount: The initial alimony payment amount before adjustments.

  • Base Duration of Alimony Payments: The initial duration of alimony payments before adjustments.

  • Adjusted Alimony Payment Amount: After considering all adjustment factors, the final alimony payment amount.

  • Adjusted Duration of Alimony Payments: After considering all adjustment factors, the final duration of alimony payments.

  • Additional Payments: Includes temporary Support, rehabilitative alimony, transitional alimony, and lump-sum alimony.




  • Gross Monthly Income of Payer: $10,000

  • Gross Monthly Income of Recipient: $2,000

  • Monthly Expenses of Payer: $3,000

  • Monthly Expenses of Recipient: $4,100

  • Duration of Marriage: 15 years

  • Tax Consequences: Deductible

  • Agreements Between Parties: No agreement

  • Custodial Responsibilities: Yes (minor children involved)

  • Financial Ability to Pay: Moderate Ability to Pay

  • Financial Need: High Need

  • Property Division: Significant assets to the recipient

  • Career Sacrifices: Career sacrifices made

  • Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA): Periodic adjustment

  • Temporary Support: Temporary Support required

  • Rehabilitative Alimony: Rehabilitative alimony required

  • Transitional Alimony: No transitional alimony

  • Permanent Alimony: No permanent alimony

  • Lump-Sum Alimony: Lump-sum alimony required

  • Age of Recipient: Middle-aged (35-50 years)



  • Base Alimony Payment Amount: $2,400

  • Base Duration of Alimony Payments: 7.5 years

  • Adjusted Alimony Payment Amount: $3,240

  • Adjusted Duration of Alimony Payments: 15 years

  • Additional Payments:

    • Temporary Support: $1,000.00

    • Rehabilitative alimony: $250.00

    • Transitional alimony: $4,000.00

    • Lump-Sum alimony: $1,000.00

    • Total Additional Alimony Payments: $6,250.00


Our Nebraska Alimony Calculator provides a detailed estimation of alimony payments and their duration based on multiple financial and situational factors. Users can obtain a comprehensive understanding of potential alimony obligations by inputting gross monthly incomes, monthly expenses, and other relevant details. The calculator considers base alimony amounts and duration, adjusts for specific circumstances, and includes additional types of Support, offering a holistic view of alimony payments. This tool is invaluable for individuals seeking clarity on alimony expectations during divorce.
