Nevada Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

8.5 years


Welcome to our Nevada Alimony Calculator. This tool estimates the amount and duration of alimony payments in Nevada based on factors related to your financial and personal situation. Understanding potential alimony obligations or entitlements can provide vital information to plan your future accordingly.

Inputs Explained

To use the calculator, you input the following information for Payer and Recipient. The Payer is a higher-paid spouse, and the Recipient is the other spouse:

  • Payer’s Gross Monthly Income: The income before tax includes income from all sources.

  • Recipient’s Gross Monthly Income: same as the Payer’s income from all sources before tax.

  • Length of Marriage (years): The total number of years the marriage lasted.

  • Payer’s Age: The age of the Payer, typically grouped in ranges.

  • Recipient’s Age: The age of the Recipient, grouped in ranges.

  • Payer’s Health: The general health condition of the Payer, categorized as minor, moderate, or significant health issues.

  • Recipient’s Health: The general health condition of the Recipient, categorized as minor, moderate, or significant health issues.

  • Standard of Living During Marriage: The lifestyle maintained during the marriage is categorized as below average, average, or above average.

  • Financial Condition of Both Parties: The current financial stability of both parties, categorized as financially unstable, moderately stable, or stable.

  • Contribution to Career or Education: The extent of any contributions made by one party to the other’s career or education, categorized as none, moderate, or significant.

  • Custodial Responsibilities: The level of custodial responsibilities, categorized as none, minor, or significant.

  • Time for Education/Training: The estimated time required for the Recipient to complete necessary education or training to become self-sufficient, categorized as short-term (less than 1 year), medium-term (1-2 years), or long-term (more than 2 years).

Outputs Explained

After entering the required inputs, the calculator provides the following estimates:

  • Base Monthly Alimony Amount: An initial estimate of the monthly alimony payment based on the gross incomes and length of the marriage.

  • Adjusted Monthly Alimony Amount: The base amount is adjusted for additional factors such as age, health, standard of living, and custodial responsibilities.

  • Duration of the Alimony Payments: The estimated duration (in years) for the alimony payments.


Example Calculation

Let’s consider an example to illustrate how the Nevada Alimony Calculator works:

  • Payer’s Gross Monthly Income: $8,000

  • Recipient’s Gross Monthly Income: $3,000

  • Length of Marriage: 10 years

  • Payer’s Age: 50-65

  • Recipient’s Age: 50-65

  • Payer’s Health: Minor health issues

  • Recipient’s Health: Minor health issues

  • Standard of Living During Marriage: Above average

  • Financial Condition of Both Parties: Both parties are financially stable

  • Contribution to Career or Education: No contribution

  • Custodial Responsibilities: Minor custodial responsibilities (1-2 children)

  • Time for Education/Training: Short-term training (less than 1 year)

Based on these inputs, the calculator may determine

  • Base Monthly Alimony Amount: $2,500

  • Adjusted Monthly Alimony Amount: $4,250

  • Duration of Alimony Payments: 8.5 years



Our Nevada Alimony Calculator provides a helpful estimate of alimony payments based on comprehensive factors. It offers an overview of potential alimony obligations or entitlements. This tool is essential for anyone going through a divorce and who wants to plan their financial future.