North Carolina Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

15 years
15 years


This calculator estimates alimony payments in North Carolina based on key factors such as income, length of marriage, standard of living, health conditions, and custody of children. By inputting the relevant details, you can determine an alimony payment amount and duration.

Explanation Of Inputs

  • Income of Payor (per month): The monthly gross income of the individual expected to pay alimony.

  • Income of Payee (per month): The individual’s monthly gross income expected to receive alimony.

  • Length of Marriage (years): The total years the couple was married.

  • Standard of Living: The lifestyle maintained during the marriage (options: High, Medium, Low).

  • Health of Payor: The health condition of the person paying alimony (options: Good, Fair, Poor).

  • Health of Payee: The health condition of the person receiving alimony (options: Good, Fair, Poor).

  • Age of Payor: The age of the person paying alimony.

  • Age of Payee: The age of the person receiving alimony.

  • Custody of Children: Indicates if the payee has custody of children from the marriage.


Explanation Of Outputs

  • Base Alimony Payment: The initial alimony payment is calculated based on the income difference.

  • Adjusted Alimony Payment: The final amount after considering various adjusting factors.

  • Base Duration: The initial duration of alimony based on the length of the marriage.

  • Final Duration: The adjusted duration of alimony after applying relevant adjusting factors.

Example Calculation


  • Income of Payor (per month): $6,000

  • Income of Payee (per month): $2,000

  • Length of Marriage (years): 15

  • Standard of Living: High Standard of Living

  • Health of Payor: Fair Health (Payor)

  • Health of Payee: Fair Health (Payee)

  • Age of Payor: 45

  • Age of Payee: 42

  • Custody of Children: Custody of Children (Payee)



Base Alimony Payment

  • ($6,000 – $2,000) * 0.30 = $1,200

Adjusting Factors for Payments:

  • High Standard of Living: $1,200 * 1.20 = $1,440

  • Fair Health (Payor): $1,440 * 0.90 = $1,296

  • Fair Health (Payee): $1,296 * 1.10 = $1,425.60

  • Custody of Children: $1,425.60 * 1.15 = $1,639.44

  • Adjusted Alimony Payment: $1,639 (rounded to nearest dollar)

  • Base Duration: 15 years (length of marriage)

Adjusting Factors for Duration:

  • Fair Health (Payee): 15 years * 1.10 = 16.5 years

  • Final Duration: 17 years (rounded to nearest whole number)


  • Base Alimony Payment: $1,200

  • Adjusted Alimony Payment: $1,639

  • Base Duration: 15 years

  • Final Duration: 17 years



The North Carolina Alimony Calculator estimates monthly alimony payments and their duration based on various personal and marital factors. You can better understand the financial obligations and support required post-divorce by inputting accurate details. This tool considers the income disparity, the standard of living during the marriage, the health of both parties and the custody of children to provide a comprehensive alimony estimate for your situation.