Oklahoma Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

10 years
10 years


Our Oklahoma Alimony Calculator estimates alimony (spousal support) payments. It evaluates financial and non-financial factors about the spouses and their marriage and provides an estimated alimony amount and duration based on Oklahoma’s guidelines.

Explanation Of Inputs

  • Income of Payor: Monthly gross income of the person paying alimony.

  • Income of Payee: Monthly gross income of the person receiving alimony.

  • Length of Marriage: Duration of the marriage in years.

  • Health: The physical and emotional health of both parties.

  • Standard of Living: The standard of living established during the marriage.

  • Parental Responsibilities: Custodial responsibilities and contributions to the education or training of children.

  • Education Contributions: Significant contributions made by either party towards the education or training of the other.

  • Earning Capacity: The future earning potential of both parties.

  • Tax Treatment: Tax implications of alimony payments.

  • Homemaking Contributions: Contributions made by either party as a homemaker.

  • Marital Misconduct: Any misconduct by either party during the marriage.

  • Economic Misconduct: Any economic misconduct by either party, such as waste or dissipation of assets.

  • Financial Needs: The specific financial needs of the recipient.

  • Career Sacrifices: Significant career sacrifices made by either party to benefit the other.

  • Age: The age of both parties, particularly if there is a significant age difference.

  • Number of Dependent Children: The number of dependent children.

  • Reasonable Living Expenses: Typical living expenses of both parties.

  • Rehabilitation Needs: Need for education or training to become self-sufficient.

  • Marital Property Division: How the property and debts were divided.

  • Self-Sufficiency: The ability of the payee to be self-sufficient.


  • Base Alimony Amount: Initial calculation of monthly alimony based on income differences.

  • Adjusted Alimony Amount: Monthly alimony amount adjusted for various non-financial factors.

  • Base Duration of Alimony: Initial duration of alimony payments based on the length of the marriage.

  • Adjusted Duration of Alimony: Duration of alimony payments adjusted for various non-financial factors.


Example Calculation

Let’s consider the following example values to demonstrate how the tool works:

  • Income of Payor: $6,000

  • Income of Payee: $3,000

  • Length of Marriage: 20 years

  • Health: Payor in poor health

  • Standard of Living: Low standard during marriage

  • Parental Responsibilities: Sole custody by payor

  • Education Contributions: Significant contributions by payor

  • Earning Capacity: Payor has higher earning capacity

  • Tax Treatment: Favorable for payor

  • Homemaking Contributions: Significant contributions

  • Marital Misconduct: Misconduct by payee

  • Economic Misconduct: Economic misconduct by payee

  • Financial Needs: Low financial needs of payee

  • Career Sacrifices: Significant sacrifices by payee

  • Age: Payor significantly older

  • Number of Dependent Children: No dependent children

  • Reasonable Living Expenses: Lower expenses of payee

  • Rehabilitation Needs: Need for education or training

  • Marital Property Division: Unequal favoring payor

  • Self-Sufficiency: Payee not self-sufficient



  • Base Alimony Amount: $900

  • Base Duration of Alimony: 10 years

  • Adjusted Alimony Amount: $675

  • Adjusted Duration of Alimony: 8 years

Nuances Of Oklahoma's Alimony Approach

Discretionary Nature of Alimony:

  • Oklahoma courts have significant discretion in awarding alimony. They consider the need of the receiving spouse and the ability of the paying spouse to pay. There are no specific formulas mandated by state law. A judge reviews each case on its individual merits.

Factors Considered:

  • The courts consider various factors, including the duration of the marriage, the standard of living during the marriage, the age and health of both parties, the earning capacity of both parties, contributions to the marriage (including homemaking and childcare), and any misconduct by either party.


Rehabilitative Alimony:

  • Oklahoma often favors rehabilitative alimony to support the recipient spouse while they gain education or training to become self-sufficient.

Modification and Termination:

  • Alimony in Oklahoma can be modified or terminated based on changes in circumstances, such as remarriage of the recipient, a significant change in income, or other substantial changes in the needs or abilities of either party.

No Set Formula:

  • Oklahoma does not use a strict formula for calculating alimony. Instead, the court uses its discretion to determine the amount and duration of alimony based on the specific facts of each case.


Our Alimony Calculator provides a detailed estimate of alimony payments by considering financial and non-financial factors specific to Oklahoma. This comprehensive calculation ensures a fair and tailored estimation of alimony obligations, considering each case’s unique circumstances. Based on their inputs, users can gain insight into the potential alimony amounts and durations they may expect. Understanding the nuances of Oklahoma’s alimony approach helps users better anticipate how courts might approach alimony in their specific situations.
