Pennsylvania Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

8.5 years


Our Pennsylvania Alimony Calculator estimates the potential alimony payments based on both spouses’ financial and non-financial circumstances. Various factors, including income, expenses, and specific personal situations, are evaluated to provide a comprehensive alimony calculation.

Explanation Of Inputs

  • Monthly Income of Payer: The gross monthly income of the spouse who will be paying alimony, which is usually a higher-earning spouse.

  • Number of Children: The number of children impacts the alimony amount and the payer’s share of childcare expenses.

  • Monthly Expenses of Payer: The total monthly expenses of the payer, which are considered to ensure the payer can meet their own needs while paying alimony.

  • Payer’s Share of Childcare: The percentage of childcare expenses the payer is responsible for. In this case, it is 30%.

  • Alimony Rate: The percentage of the payer’s income allocated for alimony. This example uses a 25% rate.

  • Total Monthly Alimony: The initial calculated alimony before adjustments based on non-financial factors. This example starts with $750.


Explanation Of Adjusting Factors

  • Relative Earning Capacity: Evaluates the earning potential disparity between spouses.

  • Age and Health: Consider the health status of both spouses.

  • Sources of Income: Examines additional income sources.

  • Inheritance and Expectancies: Looks at expected inheritances.

  • Duration of Marriage (Years): The length of the marriage, which influences alimony duration.

  • Contributions to Education and Earning Capacity: This is related to each spouse’s contributions to the other’s education or career.

  • Custody of Children: Considers who has primary custody of the children. The receiver has primary custody here.

  • Standard of Living: Assesses the drop in living standards post-divorce. The receiver experiences a significant drop.

  • Education and Training: Considers additional education or training for the receiver to become self-sufficient.

  • Assets and Liabilities: This section examines the disparity in assets and liabilities.

  • Homemaker Contributions: Considers contributions made as a homemaker.

  • Marital Misconduct: Looks at any misconduct during the marriage.

  • Tax Implications: Evaluate the tax impact of alimony payments.

  • Property Sufficiency: Considers if the receiver has sufficient property to meet their needs.

  • Self-Support Capability: This assesses the receiver’s ability to support themselves.


Interpretation Of Outputs

  • Adjusted Alimony: The final alimony amount after adjusting for non-financial factors.

  • Alimony Duration (Years): The estimated duration of alimony payments, adjusted based on various factors.


Given the input values:

  • Monthly Income of Payer: $5,000

  • Number of Children: 2

  • Monthly Expenses of Payer: $2,000

  • Payer’s Share of Childcare: 30%

  • Alimony Rate: 25%

  • Total Monthly Alimony: $750


And the adjusting factors:

  • Significant disparity in Relative Earning Capacity (Receiver)

  • Both spouses in good health

  • Similar sources of income

  • Anticipated inheritance (Payer)

  • 10-year marriage

  • No significant contributions to education/earning capacity

  • Primary custody by receiver

  • Significant drop in standard of living (Receiver)

  • Additional education/training needed (Receiver)

  • Significant disparity in assets/liabilities (Receiver)

  • Significant homemaker contributions (Receiver)

  • Misconduct by payer

  • Minimal tax implications

  • Insufficient property to meet needs (Receiver)

  • Incapable of self-support (Receiver)

Our calculator estimates the adjusted alimony at $1,650 per month, and the duration of payments is approximately 8.5 years.


Our Pennsylvania Alimony Calculator provides an estimated alimony amount and duration based on comprehensive inputs and adjustments reflecting the unique circumstances of both spouses. It ensures a fair and equitable support arrangement, considering each party’s financial and non-financial contributions and needs. Consulting with a family law attorney is recommended for precise calculations and legal advice.
