South Carolina Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

20 years


Our South Carolina Alimony Calculator estimates potential alimony payments and their duration based on the financial and non-financial circumstances of both spouses. The calculator evaluates various factors to provide a comprehensive alimony calculation tailored to individual situations.

Financial Inputs

  • Monthly Income of Payer: This is the gross monthly income of the higher-earning spouse. It reflects the financial capacity of the payer to provide alimony.

  • Monthly Income of Receiver: This is the gross monthly income of the spouse receiving alimony. It helps determine the receiver’s financial need.

  • Number of Children: The number of children for both spouses impacts the alimony calculation, mainly if childcare responsibilities influence financial needs.

  • Monthly Expenses of Payer: These are the total monthly expenses incurred by the payer. This factor ensures the payer can meet their financial needs while paying alimony.

  • Payer’s Share of Childcare: This factor considers additional financial obligations that may affect the payer’s ability to provide alimony.

  • Alimony Rate: This is the percentage of the payer’s income allocated for alimony. It serves as the base rate for calculating the alimony amount.


Non-Financial Inputs

  • Relative Earning Capacity: This evaluates the earning potential disparity between the spouses. A significant gap may increase alimony to support the lower-earning spouse.

  • Age and Health: Both spouses’ health statuses impact alimony payments. Poor health may require longer or higher alimony to ensure adequate support.

  • Sources of Income: The sources of income examine additional income sources beyond primary employment. It ensures a comprehensive view of each spouse’s financial situation.

  • Inheritance and Expectancies: The expected inheritances can affect either spouse’s financial stability or the amount of alimony.

  • Duration of Marriage: The length of the marriage influences the duration of alimony payments. Longer marriages generally result in more extended alimony periods.

  • Contributions to Education and Earning Capacity: The alimony may increase if the receiver makes significant contributions.

  • Custody of Children: This considers which spouse has primary custody of the children, which impacts financial responsibilities and potentially the alimony amount.

  • Standard of Living: This factor helps to assess any drop in living standards post-divorce. Alimony aims to help maintain a similar standard of living for both spouses.

  • Education and Training: Additional education or training is considered to help the receiving spouse become self-sufficient, possibly increasing the alimony amount or duration.

  • Assets and Liabilities: This section examines the disparity in assets and liabilities between the spouses. Greater disparities might lead to higher alimony to balance financial inequities.

  • Homemaker Contributions: Contributions made by homemakers may not have direct financial value but are significant in maintaining the household.

  • Marital Misconduct: This includes various forms of misconduct (e.g., infidelity) that might impact the parties’ financial circumstances and the alimony amount.

  • Tax Implications: The tax consequences of alimony payments for spouses affect the net income available.

  • Property Sufficiency: This factor evaluates if the receiving spouse has sufficient property to meet their needs. Insufficient property may increase the alimony amount.

  • Self-Support Capability: Assesses the receiving spouse’s ability to support themselves financially, which influences the need and duration of alimony.


Interpretation Of Outputs

  • Total Monthly Alimony: This is the baseline alimony before adjustments based on non-financial factors.

  • Adjusted Alimony: This is the final alimony amount after adjusting for non-financial factors.

  • Duration of Alimony: The estimated duration of alimony payments, adjusted based on various factors.

Example Calculation

Given the input values:

  • Monthly Income of Payer: $5,000

  • Monthly Income of Receiver: $2,000

  • Number of Children: 2

  • Monthly Expenses of Payer: $2,000

  • Payer’s Share of Childcare: 30%

  • Alimony Rate: 25%


And the adjusting factors:

  • Significant disparity in Relative Earning Capacity (Receiver)

  • Payer in poor health

  • Higher income for payer

  • Payer’s inheritance

  • 20-year marriage

  • Significant contributions to education/earning capacity (Receiver)

  • Primary custody by receiver

  • Significant drop in standard of living (Receiver)

  • Additional education/training needed (Receiver)

  • Payer has more assets

  • Significant homemaker contributions (Payer)

  • Misconduct by payer

  • Significant tax implications (Payer)

  • Insufficient property to meet needs (Receiver)

  • Incapable of self-support (Receiver)


Our South Carolina Alimony Calculator provides an estimated alimony amount and duration based on comprehensive inputs and adjustments reflecting the unique circumstances of both spouses. Its goal is to evaluate each party’s financial and non-financial contributions and needs to ensure a fair and equitable support arrangement. Consulting with a family law attorney is recommended for precise calculations and legal advice.
