Utah Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

28 years


Our Utah Alimony Calculator estimates potential alimony payments and their duration based on both spouses’ financial and non-financial circumstances. This calculator considers various factors outlined by Utah law to provide a comprehensive alimony calculation tailored to individual situations.

Financial Inputs

  • Monthly Income of Payer: That is usually the higher-earning spouse.

  • Monthly Income of Receiver: This is the income of the other spouse.

  • Number of Children: The number of children for both spouses impacts the alimony calculation if either spouse has childcare responsibilities.

  • Monthly Expenses of Payer: The total monthly expenses incurred by the payer to ensure they can meet their own financial needs while paying alimony.

  • Payer’s Share of Childcare: The percentage of childcare expenses the payer is responsible for is an additional financial obligation that may affect the payer’s ability to provide alimony.

  • Alimony Rate: This is the percentage of the payer’s income allocated to alimony.


Non-Financial Factors

  • Relative Earning Capacity: Evaluates the earning potential disparity between spouses. Significant disparities may decrease alimony if the payer has a significantly higher earning capacity.

  • Age and Health: Both spouses’ ages and health impact alimony payments. Poor health of the payer may result in lower alimony payments due to increased personal expenses.

  • Standard of Living: The purpose of evaluating the standard of living established during the marriage is that the alimony aims to maintain a similar standard of living for both spouses post-divorce.

  • Duration of Marriage: The length of the marriage influences the duration of alimony payments. Longer marriages typically result in longer alimony periods.

  • Contributions to Education and Earning Capacity: This factor helps evaluate each spouse’s contributions to the other’s education or career development. If the payer makes significant contributions, the alimony amount could be increased.

  • Custody of Children: This factor considers which spouse has primary custody of the children, which impacts financial responsibilities and potentially the alimony amount. In this case, the receiver has primary custody.

  • Marital Property Division: Examines the division of marital property and its impact on each spouse’s financial situation post-divorce.

  • Tax Consequences: Considers the tax consequences of alimony payments for both spouses, affecting the net income available. In this scenario, there are significant tax implications for the payer.

  • Fault in the Marriage: Adverse actions, such as adultery or abuse, can influence alimony. Here, the fault lies with the receiver.

  • Financial Misconduct: Similar to the above, the purpose is to review whether any financial misconduct adversely impacted family finances.

  • Work History and Job Market: This can affect their ability to pay alimony.


Interpretation Of Outputs

  • Total Monthly Alimony: This number is the initial alimony amount calculated before adjustments based on non-financial factors.

  • Adjusted Alimony: This is the final alimony amount after adjustments for non-financial factors.

  • Duration of Alimony: This is the estimated duration of alimony payments, considering the length of the marriage and other factors.

Example Calculation

Given the input values:

  • Monthly Income of Payer: $5,000

  • Monthly Income of Receiver: $2,000

  • Number of Children: 2

  • Monthly Expenses of Payer: $2,500

  • Payer’s Share of Childcare: 35%

  • Alimony Rate: 25%


And the non-financial factors:

  • Relative Earning Capacity: Significant disparity (Payer)

  • Age and Health: Payer in poor health

  • Standard of Living: Significant drop in standard of living (Payer)

  • Duration of Marriage: 20 years

  • Contributions to Education and Earning Capacity: Significant contributions (Payer)

  • Custody of Children: Primary custody by receiver

  • Marital Property Division: Unequal division favoring payer

  • Tax Consequences: Significant tax implications (Payer)

  • Fault in the Marriage: Fault of the receiver

  • Financial Misconduct: No misconduct

  • Work History and Job Market: Unstable job market

Calculation Steps

  • Base Alimony is equal to $516.

  • Adjusted Alimony is equal to $567.

  • Base Duration is 20 years, and the adjusted duration is 28 years



Our Utah Alimony Calculator uses financial and non-financial factors to estimate alimony amounts and duration. It aims to ensure a fair and equitable support arrangement reflecting the specific circumstances of both parties. For precise calculations and legal advice tailored to your situation, consulting with a family law attorney is recommended.