Wyoming Alimony Calculator

Output Results:

8 years
22 years


Our Wyoming Alimony Calculator helps individuals estimate alimony (spousal support) payments by evaluating various financial and non-financial factors. The tool provides an estimated alimony amount and duration based on Wyoming’s guidelines and relevant details about the payor and payee and the specifics of their marriage.

Explanation Of Inputs

  • Income of Payor: Monthly gross income of the person paying alimony.

  • Income of Payee: Monthly gross income of the person receiving alimony.

  • Length of Marriage (Years): Duration of the marriage.

  • Health: The physical and emotional health of both parties.

  • Standard of Living: The standard of living established during the marriage.

  • Parental Responsibilities: Custodial responsibilities and contributions to the upbringing of children.

  • Education Contributions: Significant contributions made by either party towards the education or training of the other.

  • Earning Capacity: The future earning potential of both parties.

  • Tax Treatment: Tax implications of alimony payments.

  • Homemaking Contributions: Contributions made by either party as a homemaker.

  • Marital Misconduct: Any misconduct by either party during the marriage.

  • Economic Misconduct: Any economic misconduct, such as waste or dissipation of assets.

  • Financial Needs: The specific financial needs of the recipient.

  • Career Sacrifices: Significant career sacrifices made by either party for the benefit of the other.

  • Living Expenses: Typical living expenses of both parties.

  • Age: The age of both parties.

  • Number of Children: The number of dependent children.

  • Reasonable Living Expenses: Typical living expenses of both parties.

  • Rehabilitation Needs: Need for education or training to become self-sufficient.

  • Marital Property Division: How the property and debts were divided.

  • Self-Sufficiency: The ability of the payee to be self-sufficient.

  • Contribution to Marriage: Contributions by either party to the marriage, including financial, emotional, or support contributions.

  • Child Support Obligations: Existing child support obligations from previous relationships.

  • Debt Obligations: Significant debt obligations held by either party.

  • Future Financial Prospects: Future financial prospects of either party.

  • Behavioral Factors: Any abusive behavior or severe misconduct during the marriage.


  • Base Alimony Amount: Initial calculation of monthly alimony based on income differences.

  • Adjusted Alimony Amount: Monthly alimony amount adjusted for various non-financial factors.

  • Base Duration of Alimony: Initial duration of alimony payments based on the length of the marriage.

  • Adjusted Duration of Alimony: Duration of alimony payments adjusted for various non-financial factors.


Nuances and Important Points

Discretionary Nature of Alimony:

  • Wyoming courts have significant discretion in awarding alimony. They consider the receiving spouse’s needs and the paying spouse’s ability to pay. The court reviews each case on its merits, the state does not have a specific formula.

Rehabilitative Alimony Emphasis:

  • Courts in Wyoming often prefer rehabilitative alimony, which supports the recipient spouse while they gain the education or training necessary to become self-sufficient. Permanent alimony is less common and typically reserved for long-term marriages or where self-sufficiency is unlikely due to age or health issues.

Modification and Termination:

  • Alimony in Wyoming can be modified or terminated based on changes in circumstances, such as the recipient’s remarriage, a significant change in income, or other substantial changes in either party’s needs or abilities.

Consideration of Marital Misconduct:

  • Wyoming explicitly allows the consideration of marital misconduct, such as infidelity or abuse, in determining alimony. That can significantly impact both the amount and duration of alimony awarded.

Economic Misconduct:

  • Wyoming courts also consider economic misconduct, such as the waste or dissipation of marital assets, when determining alimony. That can lead to adjustments in the alimony amount to compensate for the financial impact of such behavior.


Impact of Property Division:

  • The division of marital property can influence alimony awards. If one spouse receives a larger share of the marital assets, this may reduce the need for alimony, whereas an unequal division favoring the payee may increase alimony.

Health and Age Considerations:

  • The health and age of both parties are essential factors. A payee in poor health or of advanced age may receive higher alimony due to their increased needs and reduced ability to achieve self-sufficiency.

Custodial Responsibilities:

  • Sole custody of children by the payee can increase alimony due to the additional financial burden of child-rearing. Conversely, if the payor has sole custody, this may reduce their capacity to pay alimony.

Example Calculation

Let’s consider the following example values to demonstrate how the tool works:

  • Income of Payor: $6,000

  • Income of Payee: $3,000

  • Length of Marriage (Years): 20 years

  • Health: Payee in poor health

  • Standard of Living: High standard during marriage

  • Parental Responsibilities: Sole custody by payee

  • Education Contributions: Significant contributions by payee

  • Earning Capacity: Payor has higher earning capacity

  • Tax Treatment: Favorable for payor

  • Homemaking Contributions: Significant contributions

  • Marital Misconduct: Misconduct by payor

  • Economic Misconduct: Economic misconduct by payee

  • Financial Needs: Low financial needs of payee

  • Career Sacrifices: Significant sacrifices by payee

  • Living Expenses: Higher living expenses of payee

  • Age: Payor significantly older

  • Number of Children: Multiple dependent children

  • Reasonable Living Expenses: Higher living expenses of payee

  • Rehabilitation Needs: Need for education or training

  • Marital Property Division: Unequal division favoring payee

  • Self-Sufficiency: Payee not self-sufficient

  • Contribution to Marriage: Significant contribution by payee

  • Child Support Obligations: Payor has existing obligations

  • Debt Obligations: Significant debt obligations by payor

  • Future Financial Prospects: Payor has favorable prospects

  • Behavioral Factors: Abusive behavior by payor


  • Base Alimony Amount: $750

  • Base Duration of Alimony: 8 years

  • Adjusted Alimony Amount: $2,025

  • Adjusted Duration of Alimony:6 years



The Wyoming Alimony Calculator provides a detailed estimate of alimony payments by considering financial and non-financial factors specific to Wyoming. This comprehensive calculation ensures a fair and tailored estimation of alimony obligations, considering the unique circumstances of each case. Users can gain insight into the potential alimony amounts and durations they may expect when they use our calculator. Understanding the nuances of Wyoming’s alimony approach helps users better plan and prepare for the court proceedings.